Thursday, 15 March 2012

In the Valley, chasing White Butterflies...(For Achan)

The emptiness, the void, the unspent stillness
Like the hollows of a dark deep gorge plunging down into the unknown
Still roars in silence.

All those dreams that have been suspended to eternal waiting
Walk around dragging their half formed bodies through the darkness
Lost with hollow eyes -blank and all hope undone.

The Unfaithful one- Fate, which lurks up behind you ever so slyly
Striking you down when you least expect it,
Still stands at the other end with a victorious smile on its face.

I look at It's eyes and the insatiable hunger in It's eyes
As if it is war, striking again and again, defeating me...
Turning my mindscape into a barren desert with just vast stretches of nothingness.

Just then, I had a dream....

A valley with horizons that stretched up to the sky,
Where the golden buttercups whispering gently and giggling in the breeze,
Danced to the unending chatter of the sparrows perched on the haystacks that they slumbered upon.

As the golden ball played hide and seek with the clouds weaving a myriad of patterns on land,
The big tree in the middle of the valley with its outstretched arms pointing to the sky
Yawned and stretched a little extending its relaxed, lazy shade a bit more...

Under the shade I see you sitting with your eyes that casually scanned the horizon
Your face was as how I always knew it - Peaceful, content and calm
Your smile as I always remembered- kind, graceful and infectious...

You looked the same as you were on that day when I said good bye to you!
Between then and now, it seemed no time had lapsed...
Between then and now, it seemed everything was as it were always!

For a moment you looked at me, smiled and walked towards me
Stroked my head and held my hand, whispering gently into my ears
That you were finally where you belonged, where we all do in the end...

You smiled and said that you are not alone now; you had a little friend to play with...
And that you two chased the white butterflies amongst the buttercups all day long...
And that there were the two of you now watching the valley until it is time for me to return!

Wiping my tears, helping me up from the dark abyss,
You looked into my eyes and asked me to march forward unafraid...
Looking fearlessly into the eyes of that which struck me down!

For you said, one who picks himself up from a fall and finishes the race
Is the one who counts as the real winner; there is nothing to be afraid of...
For there is someone watching over me as I go through whatever this life has written out for me.

Today...I have woken up...

My heart does not despair; it does not sink in the unwept tears
It does not bleed where the wings of my dreams were cut off now.
My mindscape is not deserted anymore; it is studded with the shining stars of yesterday and golden rainbows of tomorrow!

I will look into It's eyes and march forward with sure steps that echoes with a thousand prayers...
I know that there are two of you now watching over me, to pick me up when I fall again...
I know there is a sunny valley somewhere for me to return someday...where you wait with your new little companion...under the golden sun; chasing white butterflies!

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